I must confess to appreciating the vote in favour de la mythologie and great Matter de France, but if I may say so; I'm quite a bit fonder of the Norse tales than the Greek on account of the themes of duty, honour and courage. The Greeks have their virtue, but I think a balance of the two is best.

Though, my own stories specifically those of Olympnomachi and others are about restoring the old myths and ideals and ideas. But really, this is the finest essay on the importance of romance and myth I have seen thus far kudos.

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Thank you so much for reading! I must confess I thought I was just talking into the void, but your expression of approval brightens up my day.

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I’ll include it in to-day’s Warrior Wednesday Mythic fiction event, it’ll get you more views, subs and the like. I’ll also use it as a topic for my Sunday podcast Sunday Knights Talks.

Though if you have time on Friday when we record, if you want you can attend.

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You underestimate King Arthur. There are chivalric romances featuring his knights all over Europe. There are even versions written in Hebrew.

Even the French took readily to his tales, partly because there were many powerful people who were descended from the real people in the Matter of France, and many others who claimed it -- from real and fictious characters.

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